my baby boy!

This is long overdue but wanted to share my birth story. My water broke on my son's first birthday at 2:30 in the morning. Instead of going to the hospital right away, my husband wanted to go to sleep and see our son in the morning for his birthday. I thought I'd naturally go into labor. We went to the hospital at 1pm and I was only 2 cm dialated with no contractions. They put me on pitocin right away and gave me antibiotics since my water broken almost 12 hrs earlier. My nurse was in training so she had difficultly putting the iv in; my contractions weren't registering correctly so they tried unsuccessfully to put a monitor directly on my uterus from the inside. I couldn't take the pain so I opted for an epidural. Wow! What a difference the epidural makes! While waiting, my son visited with his grandparents and we got to sing him happy birthday in the room. I reached 10 cm at midnight and was ready to push. 3 pushes and he was out! While waiting for some skin to skin, my doctor said I had a retained placenta. Right then and there he put his whole arm inside me trying to take it out. It still wouldn't budge so he did an emergency D&C in the delivery room. Blood was everywhere! Thankfully he got the placenta out and said that I was good to go! It was a really scary situation! So glad I got the epidural because they would have needed to put me under for the procedure. This delivery was unlike my first which went smooth and unmediated. Either way, so happy things ended well and I have my beautiful baby boy! Born 7lbs 4oz, 21 inches long!