So my baby is 4 weeks old. We don't nessasarily have a routine down but we do the same thing pretty much every day. He had his nights and days confused so there were about 3 weeks of NO sleep at all for me and my husband. He finally got his days and nights in order and was waking up every 3 hours to eat on the dot at night. We would feed him still swaddled and lay him down and he would go right back to sleep. The last 2 nights have been horrible. He will eat, fall asleep while eating, and we will put him back in the crib and 5 minutes later he will wake up screaming for food again. This went on ALL night last night. He probably only slept 2 hours all together. He seems to not want to sleep today either. Right when I put him down he wakes up. Any mommas have any advice??