Baby girl is here 😀

I went to 40 weeks and 5 days. Started with contractions early this morning. Ignored them, didn't think much of them because I've always read they start soft and get more intense. But mine started at a minute long and 4-7 minutes apart. I helped pack up the house between contractions. They were 1- 2 minutes apart at this point. But I kept going. My so sent me to shower before coming to the hospital... That didn't work as I couldn't stand and was crying holding on to him for support. So he redressed me. On the way to the hospital I had the famous urge to push. 😶😏 I didn't think anything of it. Got to hospital. So picked me up and put me on the bed. The baby's head could be seen already and at that point I couldn't hold the urge any longer. They let me push and she was born in 7 minutes after arriving to the hospital. A nonmedicated birth. Beautiful and healthy baby girl 7lbs 6oz. Ob discovered I had placental abruption after delivering the placenta. But all is well ☺😇