Relactation possible? Help!

Here's my situation: My daughter is almost six weeks old. From the beginning, we struggled with breast feeding. She didn't have a good latch while in the hospital, and I almost always needed a LC to come into the room to help me get her to latch on correctly. Our first night home with her was awful. She cried all night and refused to latch properly, and was angry at my breast. Her jaundice started to get worrisome and the second day home she stopped having any wet diapers, so we went to the emergency room. They recommended supplementing while I waited for my milk to come in. To be honest, though, the experience of breast feeding was so traumatic that I was scared to try again with her; she took so well to a bottle. A few days later, my milk came in. 
I didn't even try to breast feed her. I pumped into bottles and gave her both formula and breast milk, but pumping got to be a bit overwhelming and the formula just seemed easier, so I gave up completely. I have such regret that I didn't try with her after my milk finally came in, almost like I just wasted all the nutrients. Tonight, she was laying on my chest and kept rooting towards my boob. I decided just to see if she would even latch, and what would you know, she did. Perfectly. I'm in tears. I'm upset with myself because I feel like I didn't give breast feeding a real shot. My milk supply wasn't too low, either. When I pumped for about 15 to 25 minutes, I'd usually get 4-5 ounces on each breast. This is all leading up to me asking if it's possible to get my milk supply back. I know it's a long shot, and it probably seems crazy, but I feel more mentally prepared to give it another shot if I could. Has anyone been through anything like this? Should I call my doctor and see if he has any advice? Any advice or words of encouragement would be great.