Pregnancy Test Tips

Ladies, I know we all want to see that line and we get line eyes. I have been guilty of it too. Here are some guidelines for pregnancy tests to help you with your testing and reading

1. Never, ever, ever read a pregnancy after the allotted time frame. You can get evaporation lines which look like positives. Read each test instructions sheet to find how long to wait. Most advise not to read any later than 10 minutes after testing.

2. It's generally best to take a test after your missed period. It is more accurate then. The accuracy on even the early tests will go up as you get closer to your missed period. You can get a false negative if taken too early. Be patient even though it's difficult.

3. Some women can be pregnant and won't test positive on home pregnancy tests until a couple of months in. Levels of HCG depend on each woman so don't lose hope.

4. Make sure you buy at least two tests in case one is defective. Read the labels and learn the warning signs of defective tests.

5. Coming from number 4, make sure you read each test carefully and follow instructions carefully. Some women will comment after posting a picture and it's obvious they don't read the instructions. (No hate ladies but you know it's true in some cases especially when you're excited.)

With that being said I wish baby dust to us all. It will happen and we're blessed to have support and love here. I'm not meaning to sound condescending or rude with this post. I'd say 90% of us are knowledgeable about the test taking and reading process. I just want to help those that aren't as familiar with it and to prevent some unneeded heartache.