falling out of love and researching polyamory

I've been researching open relationships, committed non monogamy, and polyamory. I found a great website that explained how polyamory can meet our deeper emotional needs and get us higher on maslows pyramid and that really peaked my interest. 
I'm in a relationship but we both feel we are moving in diff directions and I am interested in pursuing polyamory. I'd want him as my primary, but he's not interested . He says it sounds like too much work and he would rather be single. He's already admitted to working less on our relationship and not giving me his love, plus things have gotten borderline abusive during fights 😔 I know we both need to consent and I don't want to cheat to get my emotional needs met so I'm considering leaving. Problem is I am 100% financially dependent on him, we have a 2yr old and I'm working on a degree. We live in a city where I can't afford rent on my own at the moment. It feels tough. 
So anyway I'm just looking for more info and your experiences! Anyone in a polyamorous relationship and have children? How do you make it work?