2 Years TTC

We've been TTC 2 years exactly this month. It's been a rough ride. I have confirmed PCOS and have gained so much weight in these last couple years as well but the medicine, metformin and thyroid medication, haven't helped with that at all. 
Several of my friends from childhood and college are having their first, second, and even third babies by now and here I am childless. I work with kids and people are constantly telling me what a great mom I will be, how well I do with the kids, and honestly that's one of the biggest things I've ever wanted. 
My husband is fantastic. So loving and understanding. I just know he would be the best dad ever. 
This PCOS is a vicious cycle. It makes me gain weight, which makes the PCOS worse, which makes me gain weight even more. As far as my doctor can tell, I basically don't ovulate at all and I only get a period every 2-3 months. 
It's just been really difficult lately.