Wasting potential 😔


Im a junior in high school and ive been dating the same guy for 2 years, school never was my thing because i didnt know what i wanted to be after school

Now that i have figured it out i realize how important school is... but now my boyfriend whos usually been the motivational one yo get things done... isn't so motivational, he stopped playing football and this year the once great at everything kid is tje d's and the f's kid, and now telling me he doesn't know if he wants to finish highschool or settle for online school.

He doesn't even try with his grades and when we talk about it he says he'll do the bare minimum which are d's causr thryre considered passing... hes never had a real job outside of working for family friends and im afraid hes waiting his potential and saying hell ask a family friend to help him do this and that and that way he can "get up in his career"... im afraid of him being left behind career wise and wishing he had done better than the bare minimum and in the long run, going to a small college as an adult anyways. Idk what to say or do... im not his mother, but what gf doesnt want to see the person they love go and achieve great things especially knowing and seeing first hand that hes done it before