Late Preterm Baby 36 weeks 6 days

Well we did it we made it do d day and delivered this baby. We welcomed our Sweet Baby Remington on Friday (1.20). 
At 33 weeks my left kidney started to shut down. They found I had a mass block and infection. They put a stent in my left kidney to help with drainage. 
At 34 weeks I was readmitted to the hospital for infection and pain. After 3 days they got the pain and infection under control.
At 35 weeks I was once again readmitted to the hospital this time my right kidney wasn't functioning and my white blood count was horrible. The doctors decided the put a nephrostomy tube into my back. After a week in the hospital I was released.
My doctor had an ultrasound done done January 10th to plan a scheduled c section. The baby measured 38 weeks 6 days and 7 lbs 6 oz. C section set for Friday the 20th. 
**Background Information** (Our first child was a vaginal delivery at 40 weeks and 1 day (1.15.16) She was 10lbs 3oz. and 21.5in long. She required an episiotomy and then tore past that (I had a stage 3 tear). My daughter was stuck on my pelvic bone and required all hands on deck. With all the kidney problems and my daughter being large the doctor highly recommended a c section.)
Friday I arrived at the hospital at 11:30a for my 1:30p scheduled c section. My husband went to work that morning. He came over at 12:30p. No matter how much you read or you ask for advice nothing will prepare you (at least nothing prepared me!!!!)
Walked myself into the OR got onto the table and started freaking out!!!! It would take about 30 minutes to get everything set up before my husband could come in. 
Spinal vs Epidural... Well the anesthesiologist freaked me out over having the spinal. I had a really good epidural with my daughter I couldn't understand why they wanted to chafe. Well I get it now! Spinals are AMAZING!!!! 
In all my reading and questions asked no one told me the c section would really be hell!!! You don't feel pain and if you do make them stop and get more drugs!!!! The pressure was almost unbearable. I had my tubes removed as well (no more children). That process was fine. 
At 14:19 on 1.20.17 we welcomed our little boy into this world! Remington Hunter 8lbs 6oz 22in long. 
I'm still having problems with my kidneys. Yesterday 1.21 they did a CT and found that I have a 1cm stone and lots of little ones in my left kidney. They found a 1cm stone on its was to my bladder. Having another Ct scan today with contrast so they can see if anything is blocked. Praying all this ends soon!!