He's a Pervert

My best friend has a 16 year old daughter who was the victim of statutory rape (although it was definently more on the rape side of that from what I heard). The guy who did it is 24 and it turns out I went to high school with him. During the trial he took a plea deal, and in exchange for consideration, gave the names of four other underage girls he had hurt.

He ended up only getting a year in prison. My friend is mad, I am mad, everyone is throughly pissed off. According to the DA they said they would rather have offender like him slip up again when he's young so they can put him in for life, rather than sentence him to the maximum now and have him escalate his behavior when he gets out in 20 years.

Which means in a year they are hoping he will hurt another girl and get caught. Everyone feels so powerless and none of his friends even know what he did because it was kept out of the press! Does you think this is a good way to deal with sexual offenders? Statutory rape is a hard field, but to me it seems like he established an obvious pattern...

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