hormones out of whack? 🏳

I need some advice or input. Not pregnant, I'm on my period now. 
But I've been SO sick the past month and a half. Like a stomach flu that comes in waves, exhausted tired. And my mood swings are all over the damn place. I'll lose my appetite for days at a time and just can't really eat. Then other days I'll crave one thing in particular and then go back to ehhh. 
I take multivitamins on top of daily 5000 mg vitamin c, and try to keep up with my water intake. 
I'm just at a loss. Doctor can't see for nearly two weeks. I'm wondering if it's hormones, a parasite, or my body shutting down. I'm so drained from being sick. It drains all my energy. 
PLEASE I need some suggestions or anything. I can't afford a trip to urgent care or emergency room right now and I'm willing to try any home remedy thrown my way.