Castor Oil at 40+1 weeks?

Kelsey • Love my kids more than anything ♡♡♡
Okay ladies. No negative comments. I have tried it all. Nothing has worked. I am scheduled to be induced Wednesday but am very nervous due to the "one induction method could lead to another induction method could lead to another". I was thinking about giving castor oil a try. Just 1 capful. That's it. I would continue to pump myself with water and gatorade to help with dehydration. I know the big risk with castor oil is the baby passing meconium and inhaling it. But in reality the baby can do that anyway with hospital induction methods. I am looking to see if it has worked with people at 40+ weeks. I would only try that 1 capful. If it doesn't work then I will get induced via hospital methods. Last time I got checked I was 1cm dilated, 75% effaced and baby was down low. Anyone else with similar stats?