sleep training plans? 👶🏻😴

Hi October mamas! LO was born early on sep 29 so I know we are hitting the 4 month mark before many of you. I am ready to start sleep training after I confirm with her dr at 4 mo appt next week. Anyone done any research yet or have tips from a previous baby? Some background:  EBF and over 14lbs. We share room with baby. She does 6 hour stretches fairly regularly, sometimes even 9 hrs. But it often takes a 2 hour "bedtime routine" to get her to go to sleep for night. She often goes down quick but is awake again in 45 mins, then the second hour of bedtime routine starts. Naps are short and frequent throughout day. I've read a bit on ferber method and the sleep lady. I am willing to observe some cry it out if need be. The questions I have: does sleep training just involve not picking up baby in initial bedtime period or is it supposed to be not picking up any time she wakes all night long? Can I keep one night time feed or will that interrupt the training? I don't think she really needs the nighttime feed but how do I really know?