Things that'll help you grow your hair out!

Cat • Live life to the fullest.🎧🏋🏈
Almost every girl wants long soft shinning hair, but in order to get this you not only have to change your routine in the shower but you have to make sure you stay well hydrated. Here's a list of things to start doing in order to grow your hair out.
 - Drink plenty of water! Drinking 3 bottles of water atleast a day makes a huge difference on helping in weight loss and skin and hair. 
 - Don't overload on the shampoo. Shampoo actually strips your hair of natural oils which help protect your hair from breakage. 
 - Conditioner is key. Make sure you condition your roots by MASSAGING the conditioner into them, also condition your tips and make sure you get the back half of your hair run the conditioner through your hair with your fingers. Leave it on for 3-5 minutes or put your hair up in a loose bun while you shave, the longer the better. 
 - Don't wash your hair every day. If it gets greasy put it up for a day instead. 
 - Rinse your hair with cold water. This helps prevent breakage and heat damage and closes your hair follicles.
 - Do not put your hair up in a towel or rub your hair with a towel. Try to use a T-shirt or something of that material. Towels cause breakage as well.
 - Do not blow dry or style your hair with any hot appliances this causes breakage and heat damage also in the long run causing more frizz. 
 - Start putting your hair up loosely to help prevent breakage. 
 - For stronger thicker hair take vitamins like biotin and collagen to make the skin tighter and hair stronger which will decrease the amount of hair loss you have.
 - Do not brush your hair while it is wet or damp. Your hair is proven to break easier this way.
 - Brush your hair from bottom to top  and try using a comb first. 
 - For healthier ends take a very small amount of coconut oil while your hair is wet and apply it to the tips of your hair avoid your roots it actually clogs hair follicles. 
 - Water is extremely important and this is why it is going in twice, also avoid greasy foods it can help produce oily hair and skin.