Ranting about TESTS & frustration!

Kelsee • 21. Married.
I have been testing early because I'm insane and like to torture myself apparently. I have 25 accumed tests that were like 0.10 cents each and I've been hearing that they are very unreliable especially in early pregnancy. My husband made me test with a FR gold and both were negative (this was at like 8dpo, I knew they would be but husband gave me hope!). Today, 2days before period is due I went out to the store and bought a FRRR thinking it was an early response one... erg!!! I keep making stupid mistakes this month😲 
I tested anyway and it was negative, after reading the instructions I realized I not only performed the test incorrectly but also you're supposed to wait until the day of your MP before using the rapid response ones... I am getting so frustrated and just UGH!! I feel pregnant but there's really nothing I can do to confirm yet! Why can't science come out with a test that you can take the literal day of conception haha that would certainly make all of our lives easy! I'm sorry I'm ranting I'm just getting frustrated and driving myself nuts! I'm definitely not using the other FRRR before my missed period, I'm just giving up until AF def doesn't show because I am losing my mind.