Long distance advice please

I'm needing some advice involving those who are in a long distance relationship. I'm in a situation that I desperately need advice. 


Five years ago I met this amazing guy online. Let's call him J. In a nutshell, him and I have been best friends and we just recently developed feelings for quite sometime now. We connect extremely well, I've seen his face, he's seen mine, I have proof he's the real deal, etc etc. Two major flaws is that I'm in the US and he's in the UK. We never really talked about meeting each other but recently he casually asked me he has been wanting to come to the US. Of course I was excited. But here comes the flaws.


I have told my mother little bits and pieces about him. She didn't seem to mind. But when I told her he wanted to come she got concerned. I would be surprised if she wasn't concerned honestly. I understand why she would be worried. One reason why J wants to come to the US is to see his favourite basketball team play and he didn't want to go alone. There's more to the story but I didn't want this topic be too ridiculously long. 


What is everyone's thoughts as to how I should handle this situation?