Is it awkward or not feel a part of the team not losing your virginity yet?

Is it awkward or not feel a part of the team not losing your virginity yet? I'm 18 now and I feel like I'm left out. My friends tell me you're an adult now you can make your own choices & be independent now that you can do anything you want at this age, smoke, drink, party, clubbing & having sex whenever you want it.

But my friends would always nit pick the fact I won't lose my virginity now, I won't let a guy kiss me because I'm waiting for the right man and it's just peer pressure. Telling me they are disappointed if I don't experience it, try before I buy, what will you face in the near future with sex life or even love life. It's annoying that my friends have to push me like this to break the rules. I am a Christian and I do believe in the Ten Commandments and Christ himself but other part of me is saying why don't you change and try.

I can't I don't feel so good about my appearance because I doubt anyone will be with me. I can't just bring myself down, I loved my body once, I didn't care how I looked once and now all the negativity is back biting me on my back telling me I'm not worth for no one. I can't even love, please, like or be happy about my body. How will I be with someone? 

I do want to wait but at the same time I want to get it done and dusted. Since I've had this app I've been complaining about the same topic but I am back in the middle & I just want your views & opinions.