breastfeeding vent

I told myself that this time it would be different. I breastfed my twins for 8 months no issues. I can't even remember if it even hurt at all. Then I had my third baby and I felt that every feed was just so painful. She ripped my nipples open every time it hurt so bad that I hadn't even left the hospital before I even introduced formula. I figured I would continue breastfeeding once I got home, but never did. Now here I am fourth baby and I said I'll get a lactation consultant as soon as she's born and latch her on right so I won't have to go through that pain again, but it hurts so badly. I haven't given her formula, but I grit my teeth and cry with every feed. I've only been home with her for less than half of a day. It hurts so badly. I decided since breatmilk can heal everything I'll use it instead of the nipple cream. I see all of these moms saying it'll hurt for weeks. I don't know if I can grit my teeth for weeks.