How to handle being a new mom

My baby boy is now 10 days old. I have had the baby blues since he was born. Had a horrible birth experience and was hospitalized for days. I am very overwhelmed with him being home with us. My husband and i are doing all we can to make sure he is well taken care of but we are always stressed and anxiety kicks in because he is so little and this is so new. I cry atleast oncr a day just because life has changed to drastically and im desperately trying to adapt. I am a permanent stay at home mom. I am lonely all day long and very much in the need of some nice warm weather which we wont have for a long time. Im waiting for this to get better and its hard. I know it will. My husband and I are very close. Hes my best friend. Im trying to be a strong mother for him and our baby.

How did you as new moms cope????

My body is all over the place.