long distance teen relationship


Backstory information // I'm 15, turning 16 years old. Now in the 10 grade.  I'm a military child, so I moved from South Korea to Washington State in this past year.  And I need some advice on what to do about my situation. // really long btw. 

My name is Brianna and I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at age 12. I went to move to South Korea for my dads military service when I was 13 and it got worse from there. I tried to commit suicide when I was about 2 months into my stay in korea, I obviously didn't succeed. Once I got back to my life and school, I focused on school and nothing else. School ended and I had about 2-3 friends I was with all through out summer. Before my 8th grade year started, I met my best friend Violet and she introduced me to her friends and amoung her friends was James. 

I had met James about 6 months into my stay in korea, and we were honestly really close because we just clicked. About a year into our friendship we developed feelings and ended up dating ( James won't be moving until he graduates because his family is permanently settled there). He went through a lot with me. From my parents constant screams and argues, from my depression and constant anxiety attacks, from my trust issues placed there by my fathers cheating on my mom, and my suicide attempt. Not once did he leave my side. He held my hand and told me we would get through everything together and we honestly loved each other. He and I were each other's first times and love which makes a lot very hard. 

Fast forward to a year into our relationship, and we are in our 9th grade year and I'm moving to Washington. We are a year and a month and we decide to continue our relationship.  (His mother never liked me... like ever.) so my parents told him and his parents that for the summer, if they were okay with it. We'd pay for him to visit us & my older sisters boyfriend would be here too so they would room together in the guest room. To which his mother, disrespectfully told us no. I have always been very nice and very respectful to his mother, I'm not a mean person and nor am I rude. I didn't respond and told my mother what she said, and my mother and his got into a verbal argument which caused me to have a panic attack and freak out. I freaked out on not only James but my mother, father, and younger sister. Which I apologized for and we figured everything out the next morning. 

A month later, he broke up with me due to the distance being too hard and him needing a physical connection. I knew it was because of his past that this was such a hard thing for him. (His parents never really gave him the love and tenderness a child needs and he was always having to fend for himself while his sister got everything handed to her. ) we ended up talking for about a month as friends but slowly started to fade off and soon enough we weren't talking to each other. About 2-3 months later we started talking again and we decided to get back together. We were together for 4 months then school started back up and with him playing football and having school plus the time difference, he decided to end it once again. 

We broke up September 2016 and in October 2016 he decided to get into a relationship with a girl that I had hated and he knew of my disliking due to her rude attitude towards me and my friends over a boy. I automatically felt very hurt considering the fact it was not even 2 months after we broke up. I was hurt and we were still friends so I had took all my courage and told the girl that I knew we were never on that friendship level but because she was dating my "best friend" I was willing to put all that shit behind us and we did and became friends. Since then they've broken up and he hurt her by using her as a rebound when she genuinely really liked him. I've told James that wasn't right and he knows that but he doesn't know what else to say but sorry.  


Now here's where I'm needing help, he's been there for me since we broke up and every time something happens he's right there. we made a promise that once we graduate we'd be together and we'd meet up and make everything work. But here's the thing, he doesn't know how to open up anymore. He doesn't talk about his feelings anymore and he doesn't understand how that affects me. When I go off about how I'm still hung up and how I'm still madly in love with him, he'll just say it'll get better but he's sorry he can't be with me right now. He's spoken to my friends about how I'll get better but every time I see him, I miss him more. I have all of our old things and I'm not going to get rid of it.  He would tell me things to bring me back every time I would release my feeling to him and I would fall for it. I haven't had any relationships nor have I thought or looked at anyone romantically since we broke up, except for one person. He on the other hand has had many people he's "spotting out" or been "talking" to.

Should I continue to have hope we'll be together? Or should I move on?