The words "I Love you"...

Kristen • 29.NY. Nursing student. In love with my best friend. 🌻❤️
I hope I'm not the only one... I've been dating my boyfriend for not even a month yet and he's already telling me he loves me. He actually told me the first day it was "official". In his defense we've been friends for years so it's probably not sudden to him. The last few days I've been freaking out! I told him I want to continue to take baby steps and that I'm not going to tell him I love him till I actually feel it. I don't come from a family that says I love you. I've only ever told two men that I dated that I loved them and they both hurt me badly in the end. 
When my current boyfriend tells me he loves me it freaks me out so bad!! One of my male friends that is also a psych major said that it's possible I connect "I love you" with bad things from my past instead of being happy. That the words bring up the past for me.
I'm just so scared I'm going to freak myself out so much that I break up with him when I don't want to do that! I see my future with this man. I also know my fears are preventing me from really trying in this relationship. I think I'm scared of my own feelings. 
Has this happened to anyone else!? I hate feeling like I'm crazy or just damaged goods. 😔