
I live in a communities that is full of older retired people. Not a lot of young folks. And because I'm not from the island, I'm an outsider. 
I left my job when we moved here. I put my husband through 5 years of school, debt free, and had a kid. When he finished his masters, he got a job out here. And it pays okay. But it was all he could find straight out of school. And I went to staying at home. We are pregnant with our second kid and I'm thrilled. 
But I'm 6 months pregnant, and I'm lonely. The only thing here is Walmart and crappy Mexican restaurants that are way more expensive bc they are the only thing in town. Seriously for two adults to drink water, have a burrito, and a kids meal is over $50. 
To go shopping or a movie or to a decent dinner out, have to drive 100 miles. I'll have to go 70 miles just to have our baby. 
I love being an at home mom. There are little options for childcare and because there are so few options, if I worked, I'd send my whole check plus to put my son in daycare. 
I tried joining mom's groups even ones 30 minutes away just so my kid could be with other kids. But there are so few moms here, they don't meet often. 
My whole family is many states away. 
We attend church, but there aren't kids. Most churches don't have a lot of kids. I'm the youngest adult in our church and my husband is the second youngest. We haven't been going much bc I'm always throwing up with this kid. 
My support system is 3 and highly into Mickey. I text with friends occasionally from back home. 
I just wanna go to dinner and get out of the house and talk to another adult. Get dressed and fix my hair. 
Facebook and apps are fine, but some days I miss adult interaction. Especially knowing a toddler and newborn are gonna be a new balance and keep me home some. 
I love staying home. But after a 2 years here, I miss going out occasionally with a friend or even my husband. He's great, btw. But by the time he gets home, it's bedtime. 
And I wish someone here was excited I'm pregnant. My friends at home are thrilled. They mailed gifts bc I don't have anyone who is gonna do a shower here. And who would I invite if I threw one myself?
Just a lonely world right now. I miss talking to adults about anything other than Paw Patrol.