Does anyone with PCOS ever feel hopeless ?

I'm not sure why but some times I just get into this depression about my PCOS problems. Since I was 16 I've wanted to be a mother. I've been with my husband for 5 years now and the first 2 we tried so many times until I was finally told I couldn't have children without medical assistance like <a href="">IUI</a> or medicines to make me ovulate. Everything besides not ovulating is healthy. My husband has a high count. I have great tubes and lots of eggs. But so far nothing we've tried yet has worked. And it's all so expensive. 😔 At this point I would be okay with adoption or fostering. But those are also very expensive. I just feel hopeless and super depressed sometimes. Like I want to give up. Like I feel bad for my husband cause he married me when he could've went and met someone who could give him the children he wants.. I'm sorry for the long post and semi bad grammar. Just needed to vent/ask. I know there is others out there with the same problems. But I'm my world there isn't all of my old highschool friends are pregnant or have children and it's just a daily reminder of what I can't have..