what is the likeliness that I am pregnant?

My periods are normally 5-7 days in leangth, they are a little irregular but I normally get one every month. I haven't gotten my period in two months though (my last cycle was in November) I was supposed to have started last week but nothing. 
I have been feeling very nauseous for about 4-5 weeks, I rush to the restroom every time I feel it coming on but I would say I vomit 50% of the time that that feeling comes on. Over the last month I've also noticed that I've been getting sick a lot more than I normally do. I did have what seemed like a stomach flu for about 3 days at the beginning of this month but since recovering from the flu I still have a higher temperature than normal. My fiancé has noticed that I still feel slightly warm despite me constantly feeling cold. 
I can smell everything lately. Like today I forced my fiancé to take a shower despite him being perfectly clean because I could smell cigarette smoke and it was making me very nauseous (which has never been a problem before. 
I can't eat. Everything I eat tastes different and smells terrible. The only thing that tastes good is hot cheetos and spicy ramen noodles. I normally can't handle any kind of spicy food but they taste amazing. I also am not partial to the flavor of water but over the last two weeks or so all I want is water. I've been throwing back around 10-12 cups a day, which is making me pee a lot.
Finally I've been having some troubles sliding in and out of spells of deppression. The other night I woke up from a dead sleep and just started crying my eyes out because, and I quote, "I missed my dog so much I wasn't going to make it without him. He's the only one who loves me." My dog is not dead. He has lived with my parents for awhile now and it never bothered me before. Also a few days ago I screamed at my fiancé and started crying because he didn't know where my sweater was and I was cold. 
Am I crazy or could this be early pregnancy? Or possibly a huge physical reaction to stress? There are some other symptoms too but they just started today so I don't really want to read too much into them unless they start sticking around or getting worse. I am going to call my obgyn tomorrow and make an appointment but i know I won't be able to get in until next week. 
What do you guys think?