Here's my all natural birth story 4 months later


My due date was Oct 5th. I had read that the amount of prostaglandin in 3 ejaculations is the same amount in Cervidil (induction pill) so me and my hubby tried this on Oct 3rd. we only got two rounds in. But at 830 pm I started feeling contractions I tried timing them myself but I was doing it wrong so I called my midwives and they recommended I get a contraction timer app on my phone and take a hot bath to help with the pain. So I did. And I called them again at 10 pm because the contractions were really close together. They said come to the birth center at 10:45. So got all ready then I woke my husband up and said it's go time grab the carseat. He was like nah if we need it we can send someone back it's just down the street and I'm like um no dear we are taking it with us. So we head to the birth center and my husband comes around and opens my door and helps me out and as soon as I stand up my water breaks! Only a little got in the car thankfully. I told my husband see? This is legit! So we get into the center and I have to pee and get out of my soaked sweats. I'm just in a bra. I ask how soon can I get in the tub. They check me and I'm dilated to 5 1/2 so they start to fill up the tub. And put an IV for antibiotics in my left arm because I'm group b strep positive. I'm laboring sitting on the bed on my side and on all 4s or on the edge or the bed one of the midwives is putting pressure on my knees to help with the pain. I was dozing inbetween each contraction. it was so wierd more water was gushing out with each contraction They checked me and I was dilated to a 7 so I got in the tub and labor slowed and the had me eat a granola bar but it was to dry so they gave me canned mixed fruit instead to keep my energy up. My mom got here and was helping put pressure on my lower bavk or knees. They got me out of the tub and checked his position his back was to my back so they had me labor on all fours and uses a cloth around my belly to try to rotate him so his back it facing my belly. They had my alternate between on all fours then on each side with a peanut ball inbetween my legs for a long time. Every like 15-20 minutes or so I'd need to go to the bathroom. I keep drinking water and eating fruit. Around 5-6 i think, they let me back in the tub I felt the urge to start pushing. I didn't like it. It was hard to get in a good position in the tub. So they had me get on a birthing stool my mom was sitting behind me so she could support me. My husband was holding my hand talking to me the midwives where all around me on was looking into my eyes and talking me through pushing him out. It was hard he crowned for what felt like a long time. I felt his head. Finally at 7:41 am Abinadi Hercules Scow was born at 9 lbs 3 oz and 20 inches. He started this adorable little cry as soon as he came out with a quivering lip the placenta came soon after the Midwife told me to keep flexing my pushing muscles so it would come out. And they held it up so the blood would flow to the baby. After it stopped pulsing My hubby cut the cord. I had torn a bit so the midwives stiched me up while My hubby took his shirt off to do skin to skin with abinadi. After a while after we breastfed they washed him and weighed and measured him. Then it was just the family in with me.they wrapped him up and laid him in the little bassinet right next to me and we napped til we had to leave at 2. And we went home that same day! My husband came to me every time I asked for him in labor but didn't stay with me the whole time the amneotic fluid smell made him nauseous. And this is how I had an all natural birth in utah.

The picture with me baby and my dad is when we got home after the birth

Then here are some current pictures