Thinking of getting my tubes tied

So, I will be having my 6th baby in June. I have been thinking of getting my tubes tied after this baby. I really don't want to but everyone around me is pressuring me to. My husband doesn't want to get fixed or use any protection or even pull out and he doesn't want me to get on birth control because he says it will make me gain weight (like having 6 kids hasn't) I am literally pregnant every year and I'm so thankful that God has blessed me abundantly but I really do just want to take some time not being pregnant to take care of me. I want to lose about 150lbs and we are having our wedding in October since we never got to have a real wedding and I would like to be able to drink and also just not be tired all the time from being pregnant and the extra weight. In the back of my mind though I keep thinking about how exciting babies are and what if we want another in the future. I don't know what to do and I guess I just wanted to vent a little and see if anyone might have some advice. I know it's my decision and only I can make that decision but if you have any alternatives I would love to hear it.