When you're at 14dpo and scared to test and get another BFN

Andrea • Got my first BFP at 14dpo (vvvfl 🔝) on cycle #2 for baby #1. Baby is due on October 6th 2017! ❤
I tested on 10dpo, 11dpo and 13dpo. All BFN. I'm at 14dpo, my cervix is REALLY high, I have a lot of watery/milk like CM (dropping on the back of my hand wet -- while checking) and my temp has been high. I didn't catch enough sleep last night so I didn't temp this morning to see if the bbt trend continues. I want to be pregnant sooo badly!! I will test tomorrow with FMU. I have a doctors appt on Tuesday of next week to do my annual and check if everything is good and healthy. I haven't done pre TTC tests yet, this is basically my first real cycle and I used OPK with clearblue advanced and caught my peak fertility. I BD plenty around that time. Although I quit BC in late November after YEARS on it. I'm trying not to keep my hopes up, but deep down I believe I could be pregnant, regardless of my regular pms symptoms I've been having. I strongly believe in the TTC saying "you're only out after af shows". Baby dust to all of us on the TWW!!!