Our 3 child Jaslynn was born 1/18/17

Our 3 child Jaslynn was born 1/18/17.
Went in to get induced to only find out I was having contractions every 5 minutes! They gave me cervadil to soften my cervix (since they were planning on inducing ) however I ended up having a contraction that wouldn't end and for sometime the baby was in distress and they couldn't find her heartbeat. They took out the cervadil to find I was 6 cm dialated. Within minutes I started feeling the pressure and jumped from 6cm to 10.. I started to push and the nurse told me to stop because my water hadn't broken yet and I was pushing the bag of water out ( but I couldn't stop) . So she broke my water and 3 pushes later my little Jaslynn was born. No epidural no stiches!  By far the fastest of my 3, and my 1st time not needing stiches! 😁