Weight loss and illness


Hi I need some help please.

I am now at my heaviest ever. I have had a long term illness for 9 years and am on extremely strong pain meds. Side effects of these amongst many things are weight gain. I also suffer from pcos and endometriosis. Since I had my coil changed in may I have put on a lot more weight also. I've had to learn to walk again over the last 9 years and am now mobile but will never be as active as I once was.

I need to loose weight but don't know how any more. I have no energy at all due to my meds and struggle to sleep. I have no appetite either and only eat one meal a day.

How can I break this cycle and loose weight? I'm in pain constantly so this takes a massive toll on me daily. I'm trying to get off the meds to TTC.

I hope someone can help. Thanks in advance Xx