I didn't follow the rules..

And now I regret it!
First of all, has anyone gotten 4 pink evaps in a row on FRER?
I have a picture here of the last 4 tests I've taken. Top to bottom- yesterday 9am, 11am, and 7pm, and today 2pm. When I took the tests I could se a vvfl, but I could not get a picture. When I left them for 10-20 mins, the line got darker. Of course, I had to open them to investigate (eye roll). This is what I have. All lines are clearly pink, though faint, and came up after the timeframe. 
I know I broke the rules, but does this seem strange? I've never gotten a pink evap, let alone 4 in a row. Just curious if anyone has seen anything similar. 
Thank you in advance for any responses :)