Getting extremely frustrated. Did I ovulate or nah? PLEASE HELP!!!!!

Af began 7 Jan and ended 11 Jan. It came 2 days early. Glow said fertile window is 23rd to 28th with ovulation around 26th. I too 169mg of Soy Isoflavones CD3-7. Today is cycle day 19 for me. I took an OPK on the 19th and 21st and it was negative. I have milky white discharge since. I started OPK tracking every other day starting on the 23rd. And still negative. Then yesterday I had some brownish red spotting. And my breast are so painful I can only sleep on my back. Today no more spotting. No more milky white cm and still negative OPK. My cycles are usually 35days. So does it sound like I'm on my 2ww and I just ovulated early? These OPKs are in order or days from top to bottom, with bottom being taken an hour ago. Please someone help get some sense of mind.