My Birth Story! 37weeks with Pre Eclampsia.

Kinsley Mae Gibbs graced us with her presence 3 weeks early!! on 1/25 at 4:59pm weighing in at 6lbs 2oz and measuring 18 1/2 inches long. 
After what was supposed to be a normal appointment I ended up with a blood pressure of 143/80 with no swelling and slight headaches. They decided to have me monitored and within 45 minutes my blood pressure went up to 202/113. Immediately admitted and given meds to bring my pressure down. Checked before the meds I was 1 cm 25% effaced 4 hours later 3 cm 75% effaced 4 hours later and contractions 2-3 minutes apart I was 7-8. They ended up breaking my water at 11:30am checked me again 8cm and told me it could be 4-6 more hours before she was here. I was exhausted physically and mentally (also mentally unprepared) I asked for an epidural. 15 minutes later as soon as they were done with the epidural in I felt like I needed to push. I was 9 1/2 cm!! I was so mad at myself but glad I could push. 30 minutes later this beauty popped out. The doctors and nurses were incredible. Quick acting, and let my body do what I needed it to!!