Cried unlike I've ever cried before!!!

Yesterday I was having The. Day. From. Hell at work. Nothing was going right - I was super stressed and on top of it I had to come in early and stay late. I work in financial sales and it's fast paced and large contract values. Long story short all I wanted was to go home and take a bath and forget about the day until I had to be back again early this morning. My husband was texting me and asked how could he make my day better?  So sweet, right?  I told him all I wanted was a clean bathtub and to order dinner when I got home. I was so anticipating walking through the door, ripping my tights and work attire off and just letting it all go in the water with Epsom salts and lavender oils. Sounds like heaven, right?  I put my key in the door - so excited to finally be home and am greeted by the radio blaring music full volume. No husband in sight. Ok, fine lemme turn it down and head to the bath. I then hear more/different music blasting in what will be the nursery. No matter I have a bath to attend to. I pull back the shower curtain and not only is bath dirty but it's filled with tools from the apartment super fixing our sink earlier in the day. Ok, not what I wanted to deal with but I can handle this..... that is until I turn on the water to clean the tub. I have my gloves on, sponge and Ajax in hand. I turn on the water and instantly smell rotten eggs.... 🍳 wtf??? Let water run and smell gets worse. Ok, now I'm getting pissed. I go to find my husband in the future nursery to ask if he knows anything about this. I open the door and am blown away from the music blaring again and clearly he's drunk.... THATS IT!!!!! Final straw!!!!  I slam the door run to my bedroom and sob and cry and wail like I've never done before. It's like I had received the worst news ever - and emotionally that's how I felt!  All I wanted was a damn bath y'all!!  Long story short my eyes are still red today from the episode I had last night. Thanks for reading and I better have my f@$&ing bath ready for me when I walk trough the door after work today dammit!!