Anyone use Gentian Violet for Thrush?

Fireandflame • I look like a shitposter but I'm not, I promise

So, right to the chase; I have thrush. On my nipples. My little boy has it too, and luckily, we have medicine for him. The issue here is my Doctors office, and the fact that I was told by the front desk lady "Well he has patients today sooooooo" when I asked if I could get a prescription called in for me. So I'm probably not going to hear from them today, just like I didn't yesterday.

Or the day before.

But anYWAYS. I come from a hippy family and I was suggested to use Gentian Violet. Has anyone ever used this before? The family member that suggested it failed to remember how - or what - to do with it, so does anyone have any directions? I'm also waiting to hear back from my sister in law about the pediatricians views on GV (she's head nurse at my son's office), so I'm not going to use it til I get the okay. But I am curious on others experiences.

Thank you for letting me mini vent lol, and thank you for your responses! ♡