Didn't go as planned but she's perfect

M 👱🏼‍♀️
I was past my due date and asked my doctor to sweep my membranes at my 40+3 appointment. If the sweep didn't work I would get induced on 41 weeks and 1 day. 2 days after I got my sweep I woke early to my water breaking. My contractions kicked in a few minutes apart but were bearable. We called l&d and they said since I was already full term to head on in. Once settled in I started to have bad back labor, baby was right up on my spine and still pretty high up. I was 3cm when they checked me but since I was having contractions they let me labor on my own to see how I would do. My plan was no epidural but with the back pain I caved and got my epidural. By 1pm I was 5cm and by 5pm I was at 10cm. The problem was the epidural was working to well and I wasn't feeling the urge to push so they actually turned my epidural down so I could feel the contractions better. The back pain was awful. Only thing that helped was my husband rubbing my back but even then it was horrible. Around 7pm they started to have me push but still baby was too high. I continued to push until almost midnight which during the time the baby was at risk and they were giving me oxygen to get the baby oxygen. I was exhausted from pushing and feeling a sleeping between. At this point the doctor came in and suggested a csection. The plan was to have my husband do skin to skin and we would be in recovery shortly. I was brought into the OR and everything was going normal from what I thought. But when it was time for them to pull the baby out I heard a lot of commontion and about 12 people rush in the room. I was waiting to hear her cry and nothing. I kept asking my husband and the anesthesiaologists at my side what was wrong and nobody was able to give me a straight answer. I saw my little girl being worked on for what felt like hours only a few feet away, I kept listening for what the doctors were saying. Finally the neonatologist came over and spoke with me and my husband and told us she was having breathing problems, she was ok but they needed to work on her more and they rushed her out. My little one wasn't breathing on her own and had to be intubated and eventually rushed to another hospital. After they stitched me up I started having a reaction to the anesthesia and I was shaking and ended up with a fever and high pulse and BP so they needed to stabilize me. Meanwhile they brought my husband to the NICU to see our little one and they ended up having to transfer her to a bigger hospital for further care. They brought her down to see me before the squad took her and she was crying up a storm and was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. They stabilized me and were able to transport me hours later. Long story short a few weeks in the NICU and our little one is home, snoozing as I write this. My birth didn't go as planned and I feel so robbed of simple things new moms get to experience but I'm so thankful for the staff who cared for me and my little one.