Roommate Advice? Am I in the wrong?

So my roommate is what you could say a difficult person to live with. She tends to set rules and then not follow them herself but she expects me to follow them. Her boyfriend sleeps over all the time, while my boyfriend is not allowed to. Every time I enter the room with him I get a dirty look and the tension can be cut with a knife. As a result I tend to not spend much time in the room. However, recently I decided to buck up and enjoy time in MY room with my boyfriend. He and I were eating chicken nuggets quietly while doing work and she was outside in the living room with her boyfriend watching a show. I leave to go sleep in my boyfriend's room which I do whenever I don't have an early class. She proceeds to send me this message. What are your thoughts? Am I in the wrong? 
Edit: in case you didn't notice I'm in college and also my boyfriend lives in the building next door to mine. 
Second Edit: my other suitemates like to smoke weed in the common room and she never complains about the smell.