
I went into L&D at 3. At 2:30am I felt wet. When I got up to check water came squirting out of my vagina. L&D said it wasn't my water breaking. I had pretty frequent contractions and they were surprised even. They sent me home. As soon as I got home I went to pee(still with pretty nice contractions) more water came out before I peed. When I wiped there was light blood on the toilet paper. (They checked my cervix and it had closed shut,I was 1 cm last week..which I found weird) I got into bed and leaked on my floor and on my bed. The water just kept coming out. Could I be going into labor soon? Why wouldn't they keep me at the hospital? I'm due on Sunday and doctor wants to schedule induction for next week if I don't give birth by Sunday due to my baby being "too big" I am still in pain now and still leaking..