Our beautiful baby girl was born 12-30-16

JanelleReal • Real estate agent pregnant with my first child!
Our beautiful baby girl was born 12-30-16. Chloe Madison was born 8lb 2oz and 20.5 in long at 12:34pm. 3 days over due and was induced because she was measuring too big. After 31 hours of natural birth I had only progressed 4cm. At 31 hours of no sleep , and no eating I was worn out. I decided to get the epidural. I was devastated. The pain was unbearable and I knew in my heart she wasn't coming. I think I could have handled the pain had I known she was coming or had rest and food. The epidural was the best decision for me. At 5am I finally was able to sleep. They woke me at 7:00am and said if I don't progress by 11am they were going a c-section. (They broke my water at about 5:45pm the previous day) I just knew at this point it was going to be a c-section. At 11 they started to prepare me for a c-section. She was born at 12:34pm. 
Through this I've learned sometimes your "plan" (even though I didn't have one because I didn't want to be disappointed) doesn't go as planned. In the end it's what's best for you and your baby. 
I've learned to NEVER judge a woman and her birth experience. I felt like I failed myself getting the epidural but I will NEVER regret it. It was best for me given my situation. 
Kudos to you women who give birth naturally but until you walked in my shoes and tried for 36 hours don't brag to me. Not everyone's body can do what is meant to happen.
I thank god and modern medicine for them being able to do a c-section. I can't say in the future if I'd just plan a c-section (it was easy and I'm recovering great) but I would love that experience of giving birth.
In the end every ounce of pain was worth it because you are here and happy and healthy.
Mommy loves you!!!