Scary Birth


I had my baby on Jan 22, at 40 weeks and 4 days. I'm just glad she's alive. I don't know if anyone remembers I was at 40 weeks showing no signs of progression even with contractions my body wasn't dilating and baby didn't drop at all she was still in my ribs. Because of this I had to go in every flew days to be monitored at the hospital, doctors orders.

Sunday at 6:30 am I went in to be monitored and they kept me to induce to try to get my body to ripen. At first they used cervidil (so?), I got serial doses of that are very few hours and the only change after hours of that was a 1/2 cm to my cervix. The doctor wasn't happy and concern began because that's not normal for a cervix to react so little. So they decided it was time for pitocin to encourage the baby to drop so that the baby would dilate me.

Very shortly after the pitocin the nurses left the room and my SO and I noticed the babies heart drop drastically. All of a sudden while I told him to look because I was concerned a medical team of about 10 people come rushing in the put on my knees and elbows, to try to get the heart rate up, and explain to me I'm having an emergency csection right then and they don't know if baby will be alive.

They wheel new to the OR as fast they can on the knees and elbows tune me over and cut her out. She not only had her cord wrapped twice around her neck her whole body was tangled in it in such a way they realized why she never dropped in utero. When the pitocin started and was trying to make her drop she literally couldn't she was stuck up in my ribs in a net of cord. The pitocin pushed on the cord in such a way because of the way it was wrapped around her cutting off all her blood flow. Yes I felt some cutting they tried to numb me as fast as they could be didn't have alot of time to make sure it was effective because her life was literally on the line. Yes I was scared the whole time. I had never had surgery, and the cutting I could feel was scary too.

Scarlett Elizabeth was born 7lbs 3oz and 17inches long at 7:59 pm. She took to the breast like a champ. Instead loosing weight her first week like they expect babies to do she had actually gained a ton of weight already.

I was finally discharged from the hospital yesterday and that was an experience in itself. I watched woman after woman leave maternity way faster than me I felt like I was never going to be let out lol.

I expected a Mexican baby lol, my genes dominated. She looks just like me. She has a strawberry blonde hair with streaks of black and light blonde blending through her strawberry blonde. And she has eyes that are blue but near the pupil she has sky blue. It's hard to see in pictures but by a window with natural light they are so pretty. I know they'll change eventually but I'm guess to a really light blue or a really light green.