How did you come to your faith in God?

Hi everyone! I am 20 years old, and truly believe I was born seeking God. All my life I have walked in and out of faith. I can't help but ALWAYS finding that he draws me back to Him. At 8 years old, I asked to be baptized and ask my mom to take me to church every Sunday. At thirteen, I chose to be confirm and attended youth groups regularly. I moved out at a young age of 16 and since then have bounced back and forth from allowing myself to question what I truly believed and denying my faith. Now, after a really awful time of hurt with my health when God put His healing hand upon me, I can't help but seek God once more. My fiancé is in his own journey, at times he reads his bible and we say "Thank the Lord!!" in our times of rejoicing - he is an ally in my walk back to God. 
I'd love to hear your journey and your inspiration! ❤️