BFP!!! Figured out a cute way to tell the hubby!

We've been trying for about 6 months now but finally got a BFP this morning!!! I'm still shaking! Hubby had already left for the day so I got to make a little surprise for him when he gets home, now we play the waiting game. We've needed to replace light bulbs for months so I figured this was the best way to get his attention 😊.
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Thanks ladies! His reaction was priceless. Although it did take me a good hour to get him to open the box. I kept telling him i thought they looked weird, I didn't know if i bought the right ones, etc. Then finally he opened it. At first, he thought I wanted him to paint the bathroom, then right as he's asking out loud why I picked the bright colors he goes "wait a second, is this, are you, really, seriously, whoa! This is awesome. My day is awesome!" His reaction definitly warmed my heart. I had the camera going but it died right as he opened the box. 😣


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So cute!!! 


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That's so cute! What was his reaction?! Hopefully you taped it.