In Texas

My bestfriend calls worried sick because she too is expecting and is due a month after me. I knew she was having a rough time during her pregnancy from all of the nausea, vomiting, & diarrhea but at times when she would come around she would be perfectly fine (just thinking she had her good days). She then goes on to explain that an older member in her family suggested she see if marijuana would help her keep food down and her weight loss issues. 
After reading an article online saying something about Texas requires drug testing for mom and baby, and anything after 20weeks will show up ( she's about 26-27 weeks) resulting in CPS removing baby. She calls asking if I've heard anything about it being true. I honestly have no idea how that works and don't remember if myself or my baby girl (born in 2013) were drug tested because it never crossed my mind. 
I feel really bad for her because she wouldn't have tried it if her family didn't insist that it wouldn't cause any harm and assured it would help, which she says it really did help her and she said doctors says baby's health looks perfect besides underweight from vomiting. 
Only lead for help and experiences I could think of are you guys. Please don't judge her from this one thing.. we've been best friends since middle school and she's now 25 (I think or 26, I'm horrible with bdays) and this is the first thing she's done that I know of that's out of her character. 
Thank you! Any help is appreciated.