5 months PP with mid cycle bleeding/spotting. pregnant?

Hey guys, so I gave birth in August last year and my cycle returned a few months ago. Since then I've had two normal cycles. Now this month since CD12 I have had what started off as brown spotting and more so when I wiped after weeing. On CD13-14 it turned into more of a light pink spotting, then CD15 i had light red bleeding but in the whole day it was only enough to leave a 50c piece size on my undies, and now the next day I'm just back to pinkish red spotting again. 
Does anyone know what is going on because no way in heck is it my period, and I thought it could be ovulation bleeding but it's not possible to last this long, and when spotting/bleeding lasts this long mid cycle everything is pointing towards it being a higher chance of implantation bleeding, but even then I'm still in denial. So what the heck could be going on? :/ any advice and input is appreciated.