My first VBAC ❤

Jessica • Mommy of 2 amazing boys Kam & Dom 💙💙 Penelope Rose 🎀due 9/30/19
Born today! January 28th at 11:07 am at 7lbs 10oz 
So I've decided to write this asap before I forget or it all becomes one big blur. 
Yesterday I had my 37 week appointment with my OB at 8:30 am. I had been 2 CM dilated for about 2 weeks so I figured meh another appointment. I normally eat breakfast every morning but yesterday I figured I'd have a nice breakfast after my quick appointment. BIG MISTAKE! I had what I thought was just BH contractions that were about 10 minutes apart and not very strong. So when I got to my appointment my OB put me on a monitor and those 10 minutes became 5 minutes apart and a bit more noticeable. I was now 3.5CM and in early labor. He smiled and said we're going to admit you. I was like what the deuce?! My hubby was almost 2 hours away at his job site and I didn't even have baby bedding picked out yet! I thought I had more time. To shorten this up, I was admitted at 9am and baby boy wasn't born until 11:07am the next day. I was trying to do this naturally without any pain meds but my body had different plans. I stalled out at at 5 CM from about 10PM Friday to about 10am Saturday. Even with a pitocin drip in place my cervix just wouldn't dilate. By 10am Saturday my body was exhausted and my mind was fighting so hard to keep breathing through each contraction. I felt defeated and I just lost it. I cried and cried so upset that I couldn't overcome the pain of the contractions. My body wasn't progressing at all. 😔 at around 10:30am I lost my mental strength and gave in for an epidural. I went from Gremlin status to Gizmo REAL QUICK! Lol my family laughed when I said this part. From 10:30am-11:00am I went from the stalled out 5CM to a complete 10CM and 100% effaced! It was time to push and I just couldn't believe it. My body needed a bit of rest and sure enough I dilated quickly! Dominick was earthside within 7 minutes and about 8 pushes. No tears or episiotomy needed! I'd do it 1000 times over to see his precious face again and again! My heart felt a little broken but I felt like I had given up but the truth is I was still able to VBAC! That in itself is a huge accomplishment that not all moms get to experience. I am grateful and full of love with my little by my side. ❤