Callista Anne is here!

First, let me apologize to anyone overdue and waiting. We were 4 days past and it was the longest waiting game ever. 
Callie's birth was trying. Spinning Babies isn't a joke - baby's position can make or break your labor experience. Callie was posterior and my wife experienced prodromal labor from Monday to Thursday evening - painful contractions between 5 and 15 min apart for 18 hours a day. If the baby was in the appropriate position, she likely would have avoided the false labors. 
After being sent home twice with 3 min contractions but only 1cm dilation, she labored a bit at home until they were 1:45 apart and causing her a great deal of pain. Finally we made the call and went to L&D and were admitted. 
From there, augmentation after augmentation happened; Fentanyl for pain, Pitocin for lack of progress, more Fentanyl, broken waters for lack of progress, epidural for continued lack of progress, more Pitocin to push dilation, effanedrin for bad reaction to epidural, Benadryl for bad reaction to effanedrin...
Literally, it all could have all been avoided by getting the baby in the right position!!!
When it's all said and done, though, we narrowly avoided a Cesarean, and mom/baby are really healthy. I have my wife's blessing when I say it was worth it. After 8 years of trying to get pregnant, our lives are forever changed. 
Thank you <a href="">Nurture</a> community for helping answer my questions and provide hope through some anxious times.