Baby fell off bed ๐Ÿ˜”


I feel like the worst mother on earth. ๐Ÿ˜” last night was a rough night with my dd. She woke up at 2am (after we only went to bed around 12:30) I was up with her until 4 and then my husband took over until 6am. He told me to take her back and laid her in my arms but I was still asleep. He said I laid back down with her in the crook of my arm on the outside of the bed. He thought it was "okay" and went to sleep. I am so beyond pissed at him. I have NEVER slept like that with her. She rolled herself off the bed and I woke up and started screaming hysterically and then she freaked out. By the time I calmed down she was fine and smiling and laughing at my husband. She has been perfectly normal since and following the instructions we were given we have been monitoring her to see if anything seems off.

I am an absolute mess and even though I know she is fine, I'm not. ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ข