Postpartum period? What it was like before it came back for you?

Cynthia • I`m 33 my Husband is 37 we have 2 beautiful baby girls, and have 2 fur babies. First daughter conceived IUI. Second daughter is a miracle.
I am 11 weeks postpartum and breastfeeding exclusively. I know this can keep a period at bay for 6 months or more but I had low progesterone prior to becoming pregnant, I even had to use progesterone suppositories to maintain pregnancy for the first trimester. I read that low progesterone can bring your period back faster. For the past few days u have been crapy like my periods use to feel and am having a lot of watery CM. Is this what it was like for you getting your period back? How long after the cramping and watery CM did you get your actual period? Thank you all in advance for the great info.