My Birth story

My Birth story! Due for 2/1
Baby #3, Carter Zayne was born via scheduled induction on Thursday the 26. We checked into the hospital, and I received pitocin around 9am. 
Doctor came to examine me around 10, dilated 1cm, 80% efaced. I have scar tissue on my cervix from a procedure I had done 9 years ago which was prohibiting my cervix to dilate further on its own. My doctor suggested that I receive my epidural prior to manual dilation due to the extreme pain it would cause.
Epidural was placed at 11 with no complications or discomfort. Directly after the doctor used dilaters to break up the scar tissue which made me immediately dilate to 2cm within moments. Within the next 3 hours i was fully dilated and thinned with baby transitioning into the canal and I was ready to push. 
Carter Was born at 1:25pm, 20 minutes of pushing. 2nd degree tear. Everything was so quiet and peaceful and my husband did an amazing job being supportive (this is his first baby) 
Carter ended up having jaundice, which has kept us in the hospital since he was born, undergoing phototherapy with the bilirubin lights, it's been tough and breast feeding this time around hasn't been the easiest since he is having a rough time latching. But I've been utilizing help from lactation, and the nurses as well as a nipple shield to get him latching. My milk has come in, so I also pump and supplement with my milk if he didn't stay latched. 
He has another blood draw this evening and we are hoping we can finally go home! 
My recovery has been amazing. Other than the cramping from my uterus going back down I feel really great. 
Wishing luck to all the other mamas who have yet to deliver their precious baby, and I hope my birth story gave some insight.