Nursing for 2 hours

Thought I'd try bed time early because the past week around 5 she gets fussy, rubs her eyes and sometimes yawns. Hasn't been taking her usual 3 hour nap. (I gotta figure out a better nap schedule, but that's a whole other beast to tackle) so we did bath an hour and a half early and then nurse. And nurse. And nurse. She's been wide eyed starting one hour in. That first hour I thought 'this is it!' It's like after an hour she got her second wind. Well I didn't wanna stop nursing and play or get her more awake so I just keep nursing. Currently at 2 1/2 hours been sitting in bed nursing. I  realize at some point in these hours I've become a pacifier. Which I don't mind as I like the bond and she seems happy. If I pull her off she cries so forget about even putting her down. She's 11 weeks so I don't want her to cry it out. I don't know what else to do. She's swaddled. Clean diaper. Full belly. Ready when you are, kid. 👶🏼😩😴