My dad is an asshole.

To sum up a quick story, my mom had breast cancer last year. She had a double mastectomy (breasts removed) and a few weeks ago had a hysterectomy as a precaution. She and my dad were told to not have sex for 6-8 weeks. It has been 3 weeks, and my dad is treating her like GARBAGE. He is constantly telling her he is on edge, telling her that she is fat, lazy, and unattractive. He "pretends" he is on the phone with other women, and tells my mom he is going to cheat on her. He has in the past. She has been a "stay at home mom" since I was born 25 years ago. I have a sister who is 15. He is a total asshole and always has been, but this just adds a whole new level to it. I want to confront him and tell him I know what he says to my mom (she tells me in confidence) but I am truly afraid of my dad. Just wanted to vent or get advice or something :(